• þri. 31. júl. 2018
  • Fræðsla

UEFA Pro námskeið hjá enska knattspyrnusambandinu

Enska knattspyrnusambandið mun halda UEFA Pro license námskeið 2019-2020. KSÍ má senda inn umsókn fyrir einn þjálfara til að sitja námskeiðið. Áhugasamir þjálfarar eru beðnir um að senda ferilskrá á ensku á arnarbill@ksi.is. KSÍ tekur við ferilskrám til fimmtudagsins 9. ágúst og mun fræðslunefnd sambandsins velja einn þjálfara úr þeim umsóknum sem berast.

Athugið að þjálfarinn sem verður valinn af fræðslunefnd fær ekki sjálfkrafa sæti á námskeiðinu. Þjálfarinn þarf að fara í gegnum loka umsóknaferli í Englandi í október.

Nánari upplýsingar um námskeiðið má finna hér að neðan;

In order to be considered for a place on The FA UEFA Pro Licence, applicants must:

• Hold a valid UEFA A Licence, with priority given to applicants holding the English FA Award.
• Have experience and a full-time position in the professional game or women's equivalent at senior level either as a player (with a minimum five years experience), a player-coach, head coach, first team coach, manager, assistant manager, academy manager or head of coaching.
• Possession of the FA Advanced Youth Award is desirable. (Á ekki við)
• Please note: Meeting the above criteria will not guarantee a place on the course.
• Purpose & Learning Outcomes


The purpose of The FA UEFA Pro Licence is to support and facilitate learners to transfer their knowledge, skills, understanding and application of coaching in elite football into a leadership and management role within the modern game.

Learning outcomes

To critically evaluate and interrogate the technical and tactical aspects of the modern game.

You will be able to critically evaluate and develop:

Your behaviours, through examining self and developing self-awareness (via a number of methods), and how these impact your players, staff, stakeholders and the club.

• Your leadership qualities and approach to decision making and how this impacts your day to day working
• How you effectively build relationships, manage up, impact others through your own influencing style and effectively deal with conflict and challenging situations
• Your approach to Integrated coaching (how you use information from a number of disciplines e.g. four corner model) to develop or refine players ability to create consistent winning performance as individuals and within a team.
• The characteristics of the high performance environment and culture and how they impact learning, development and performance.
• The implementation of a strategy to facilitate the operation and performance of a sustainable high performing team.
• Optimise knowledge of the business aspects of the football industry necessary to sustain a successful club.

Course Description

Building on all learning undertaken from Level 4, candidates will undergo critical self-reflection and analysis on the relationship between the coach, environment, player and game at the elite level and to develop new knowledge and skills. Learners are challenged to extend their technical and tactical coaching knowledge and apply their understanding, skills and behaviours into a leadership and managerial role with a focus on producing a high performing team.

Learners will acquire an understanding of themselves, including what is required to lead and manage a team of coaches, specialists and support staff in elite football in order to deliver winning performances. They will also gain an understanding of leadership and management in the wider context of a football club and beyond. Learners will have opportunities to learn from, and with, senior performers from a variety of contexts and to apply that learning to their own club experience.

Course Assessment

In order to complete The FA UEFA Pro Licence, learners must attend all modules and will be assessed over the course duration using a competency framework model.

In addition they will complete all associated distance learning and course tasks, which will include a study visit to a major international tournament and an extended Professional Study task.

Course Fees

FA Licensed Coaches’ Club member price: £ 9,200.00 incl. VAT
Non-member price: £11,040.00 incl. VAT

Course fee includes:

• Full board accommodation across all modules of the course
• Tuition
• Resources
• Overseas study visit (June 2019)
• Each learner will be given a tablet device or similar on which the course content will be accessible

Payment will be due in full by December 2018 if you are offered a place on the course.

Course Dates & Location

The course will take place on the following proposed dates:

20 - 22 January 2019 // Block 1
24 - 26 March 2019 // Block 2

June 2019 // Overseas Study Visit/Tournament (TBC)

13 - 15 October 2019 // Block 4
January 2020 (TBC) // Block 5
March 2020 (TBC) // Block 6
June 2020 (TBC) // Graduation

St George's Park, The FA's National Football Centre, will host most or all England-based face-to-face sessions undertaken by successful candidates.